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Philatelic Books

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"P H I L A T E L Y" - Collections of Stamps

New book series of specialized and famous collections of just one country or subject.

Each volume is presenting a professional collection, of which many have been shown and awarded at South Africa's National Stamp Exhibitions or internationally and could also be of interest for some other philatelists to have at home in book form, especially because they will rarely be exhibited again in public.

The first twenty volumes have been published in 2018/2019 and are available from our website as listed below. There will be more to come over the next years.

All books are available in A4 size, full colour excellent printing on 120g art paper and perfect bound if over 50 pages. Books under 50 pages will be saddle stitched.(Tibet and Danish West Indies).

"PHILATELY" will not be a periodical magazine and can not be subscribed. New issues will be announced on our two websites. At the moment we are planning ca 30+ volumes of "PHILATELY" - Collections of Stamps.

In case you are the owner of an excellent collection and like to have it printed in book form, feel free to contact us for details and conditions.


Vol. 1 - CAPE OF GOOD HOPE 1 (The Stamps)

by Volker Janssen

80 pages, perfect bound, R480 - €28 - £25 - $34


Vol. 2 - CAPE OF GOOD HOPE 2 (The Postmarks)

by Volker Janssen

97 pages, perfect bound, R582 - €34 - £30 - $40



by Volker Janssen

95 pages, perfect bound, R570 - €33 - £30 - $40


Vol. 4 - POSTAL TRAINING STAMPS of the World

76 pages, perfect bound, R456 - €28 - £23 - $32


Vol. 5 - EMBOSSED STAMPS of the World

84 pages, perfect bound, R504 - €29 - £26 - $36



66 pages, perfect bound, R396 - €23 - £20 - $28



82 pages, perfect bound, R492 - €29 - £26 - $35


Vol. 8 - NORWAY

64 pages, perfect bound, R384 - €23 - £20 - $28


Vol. 9 - SWEDEN

66 pages, perfect bound, R396 - €23 - £21 - $29


Vol. 10 - DENMARK

62 pages, perfect bound, R370 - €22 - £19 - $28



105 pages, perfect bound, R630 - €40 - £36 - $45


Vol. 12 - ICELAND

58 pages, perfect bound, R350 - €22 - £19 - $25


Vol. 13 - FINLAND

132 pages, perfect bound, A4, R795 - €46 - £41 - $57



66 pages, perfect bound, A4, R400 - €23 - £21 - $28



27 pages, saddle stich A4, R160 - €10 - £9 - $12


Vol. 16 - TIBET

by Volker Janssen

38 pages, saddle stich A4, R288 - €18 - £15 - $20


Vol. 17 - Forerunners and Postal History of BASUTOLAND

by Steven Gardiner

112 pages, perfect bound, A4, R672 - €40 - £34 - $46


Vol. 18 - Cape of Good Hope - The BONC Cancellations

by David Mordant

48 pages, saddle stich, A4, R290 - €18 - £16 - $22


Vol. 19 - MALTA by Brian Franklin

98 pages, perfect bound A4, R588 - €35 - £31 - $42


Vol. 20 - The Pneumatic Mail in Europe

by Volker Janssen

60 pages, perfect bound A4, R360 - €22 - £19 - $29



Vol. 21 - B R E M E N

by Volker Janssen

128 pages, perfect bound A4, R768.00 - €45 - £38 - $52



Vol. 22 - SIMON'S TOWN

by Volker Janssen

32 pages, saddle stich A4, R192 - €12 - £11 - $15


August 2020:

Vol. 23 - The Concentration Camps of the Anglo-Boer War of 1899-1902

by David Mordant

96 pages, perfect bound A4, R588 - €30 - £31 - $40


Vol. 24: Union of South Afric, Easy Guide to identify the Definitive Pictorial Stamp Issues

by Danie van Zyl

28 pages, saddle stich A4, R168 - €12 - £10 - $13



by Brian Fenemore

120 pages, perfect bound, A4, R720 - €43 - £37 - $49



Vol. 26 - GERMANY 1939 - 1945 - III.Reich on cards and covers

With an introduction by Dr Lutz van Dijk

84 pages, perfect bound, A4, R514 - €30 - £26 - $35



Vol. 27

GREAT BRITAIN, Line Engraved to Penny Lilac by Malcolm Suttill

86 pages, perfect bound, A4, R516 - €27 - £27 - $36



Vol. 28


106 pages, perfect bound, A4, R636 - Euro 40 - $45


New release 2025:

Vol. 30


by Volker Janssen. With a contribution by Kurt Streepy.


80 pages, perfect bound, A4, R540 - EURO 32 - $ 36



Other philatelic books:


POST OFFICE MURALS of South Africa, by Gernot Osthoff


105 pages, large size A4, full colour, R450.00


Order No A01

Robert Goldblatt


The Postal History and Markings of the Cape of Good Hope and Griqualand West 1792 - 1910.

Hardcover with dust jacket, 20 x 26 cm, 268 pages. First issue of 1984 in excellent mint condition.

R 350.00 - Euro 28.00 - $ 35.00 / £ 24.00


Order No A02

Ian B. Mathews


The Stamps, Forgeries, Postal History and Miscellanea of the Transvaal Territories from inception to Union.

Hardcover, 22,0 x 29,5 cm, 292 pages. First issue of 1986 in excellent mint condition.

R 350.00 - Euro 28.00 - $ 35.00 / £ 24.00


Order No A03

Neville Gomm


Introduction, History of the Roll and complete Biographies of Destinguished Philatelists of Southern Africa

from 1932 - 1997.

Large Softcover 21 x 29 cm, 100 pages. The last remaining mint copies of the first issue of 1998.

R50.00 only



Order No: P05

George Griffenhagen & Jerome Husak

Adventures in Topical Stamp Collecting

Handbook for collectors of thematic and topical philately by George Griffenhagen and Jerome Husak.

96 Pages, 150 x 227 mm, softbound, b&w and colour

R160.00 / Euro 13,50 / $ 12.00 / £ 12.00


Order No: PP01

Eric Rosenthal

The Cape of Good Hope Triangular Stamps and its Story.

Extended reprint of 2009 of the 1957 issue by Peninsula Publishers, Simon's Town.

Foreword by L.C. Burke, Postmaster General of the Union of South Africa.

Check list & price list by Eliezer Blum, with an essay (addendum) by C.B. Rowe - "The Mystery of the Missing Woodblock-Plates".

54 pages ringbound booklet in A5 format, black & white and various stamps in colour.

ISBN: 978-1-919901-55-8

R140.00 / Euro 11.00 / $ 14.00 / £9.00


Order No: PP02

List of Post & Telegraph Offices of the Union of South Africa

As published in the Post & Telegraph guide of July 1912.

Second reprint 2009 by Peninsula Publishers, Simon's Town.

A very useful booklet for stamp dealers & collectors of classic South Africa postmarks.

64 pages ringbound booklet in A5 format, black & white.

ISBN: 978-1-919901-56-6

R140.00 / Euro 11,00 /$ 14.00 / £ 9.00


Order No: PP03

The Chemical Restoration of Postage Stamps

A guide for collectors & dealers.

Useful information how to remove all kind of stains & rust, glue, ink, oil, wax & many other damages of stamps

and which chemicals to use. With chapters on humidity, heat and oxidation.

Reprint published by Peninsula Publishers, Simons Town, 2009.

42 pages ringbound booklet in A5 format, black & white.

ISBN: 978-1-919901-57-4

R95.00 / Euro 8,00 / $ 9.50 / £7.00


Order No: PP04

Greg Allen

Cape of Good Hope Triangle Stamps 1853-1864

An easy guide to distinguish genuine stamps from forgeries & new prints. Chapters about paper, watermarks, postmarks, reproductions etc.

48 pages ringbound booklet in A5 format, full colour. With bag of six reprinted stamp samples. Beautiful design, published & printed 2009 in Australia.

Import and distribution for Southern Africa by Peninsula Publishers, Simon's Town.

R 250.00 / Euro 20,00 / $ 25.00 / £18.00


Used Books & Stamps Catalogues:


B001 - Stamps of the British Empire, 1925 edition, R30.00

B002 - Stamps of the World, 1937 edition, R50.00

B003 - Stamps of the World, (Whitfield King), 1937 edition, R50.00

B004 - Stamps of the British Empire, 1942 edition, R50.00

B005 - Stamps of the World, 1954 edition, R100.00

B006 - Stamps of Foreign Countries, Europe and Colonies, 1961 edition, R80.00

B007 - Stamps of the World, (G - Z only), 1963 edition, R40.00

B008 - Stamps of British Commonwealth, 1968 edition, R120.00

B009 - Stamps of Europe and Colonies A-Z, 1968 edition, R120.00

B010 - Stamps of Europe and Colonies A-Z, 1973 edition, R120.00

B011 - Stamps of Brit. Commonwealth, Elizabethan Specialized edition of 1981, R100.00

B012 - Stamps of Brit. Commonwealth A-Z, 1965 edition, R80.00

B013 - Stamps of Brit Commonwealth A-Z, large edition 1982, R180.00

B014 - Stamps of Brit Commonwealth A-Z, large edition 1988, R200.00

B015 - Stamps of Brit Commonwealth A-Z, large edition 2006, R290.00

B016 - Thematic Catalogue, AIRCRAFT ON STAMPS, 2 edition 2009, new, R420.00

B017 - GB Queen Victoria, Specialized Catalogue-1st edition, Vol. 1, R120.00

B018 - GB King Edward VII to King George VI, Specialized Catalogue-5th edition, Vol. 2, R240.00

B019 - GB King Edward VII to King George VI, Specialized Catalogue-6th edition, Vol. 2, R260.00

B020 - GB Queen Elizabeth II (pre-decimal issues), Specialized Catalogue-5th edition, Vol. 3, R260.00

B021 - GB Queen Elizabeth II (decimal issues), Specialized Catalogue-5th edition, Vol. 4, R260.00

B022 - GB/WORLD, Stanley Phillips, Stamp Collecting, 6th edition, 350 pages, R120.00

B023 - GB Two Reigns, (KG VI & QE II), 11th edition 1964, R60.00

B024 - GB King George VI, catalogue 4thedition 1952, R40.00

B025 - British Colonial Stamps, Handbook of 1949, R40.00

B028 - SG Collect Channel Islands and Isle of Man, 2nd edition 1984, R30.00

B030 - SG Collect British Stamps, 19th edition 1976, R10.00

B031 - SG "How to start stamp collecting" 1991, R8.00

B032 - SG Guide "Stamp Collecting" 1975, R 5.00

B033 - CW Catalogue of King George VI stamps, 1952 edition, R40.00

B034 - SG, Collect British Stamps, 1998 edition, R10

B035 - Philatelic Terms Illustrated by Stanley Gibbons 1970, 192 pages in full colour hardcover book, as new, R220.00

B036 - A Giude to Stamp Collecting, an excellent introduction and encyclopedia for philatelists. Very informal and comprehensive lessons in hard cover book, as new, R150.00

B037 - STAMP COLLECTING. A nice little hardcover brochure to learn all about stamp collecting, vol. 1, R10.00

B038 - STAMP COLLECTING. A nice little hardcover book from the UK to learn all about philately on 52 pages. R20.00

B039 - Encyclopedia of Brit.Empire Stamps, Vol II, AFRICA, First Edition 1949, rare issue, 450 pages, R400.00



South Africa, SWA/Namibia, Rest of the World

Books, catalogues, handbooks of various publishers and more.

B100 - SACC Catalogue of Southern Africa, 1996 edition, R30

B101 - SACC Catalogue of Southern Africa, 2011 edition, R60

B105 - Robemark Catalogue of South Africa, 1980 edition in folder, R100

B106 - Standard catalogue of Union of South Africa, 1946 edition, R120

B107 - Arcade Catalogue of South Africa, 1975 edition. R50

B108 - Arcade Catalogue of South Africa, 1981 edition. R80

B109 - Joseph Catalogue of South Africa + SWA, 1971 edition, R40

B110 - SWA, The first definitive Series of the 1960s, by Adolf Stephan, very detailed and rare handbook in English, German and Afrikaans, 110 pages, R280.00

B111 - Union of South Africa, Borek Katalog of 1962 in German, R20

B112 - Switzerland + Liechtenstein Katalog by Borek of 1966, R40

B113 - FRANCE, Stanley Gibbons catalogue of 1979, 462 pages, R50

B114 - ISRAEL & PALESTINE, Stanley Gibbons catalogue if 1971, R40

B115 - ISRAEL, BALE CATALOGUE OF 1987, 270 pages, very detailed, R100

B118 - SOUTH WEST AFRICA Handbook/Catalogue by Steven Baker, 2003, from the Archives of the SWA Post Office, "The Third Definitive Series " and porrf stamps 1980 - 1990. rare copy, R450.00

B119 - GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA, "ZENSURVERSCHLUSSZETTEL" ("CENSOR LABELS") 1915-1919, by Uwe Albert, 2010, Text in German, R350.00

B120 - GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA, "Post + Lagerstempel in den Internierungslagern 1915-1919, 75 pages, catalogue by Uwe Albert, R350.00

B121 - GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA, The postal and historical development of the Staatsbahn railway between Windhoek and Swakopmund 1897 - 1915. Large exhibition catalog from the Int. Stamp Show in Johannesburg 2010, rare, R350.00

B122 - SOUTH WEST AFRICA Military Campaign, WW1, Exhibition Catalogue, ca 60 pages A4, R150.00

B123 - GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA, Seal and Postmarks specialized catalogue by Peter Vogenbeck, 1999, 300 pages, R400.00

B124 - GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA, specialized illustrated AUCTION catalogue by Peter Vogenbeck, of 2011, R300

B125 - BERLINER PROTOKOLLE, German Colonial Philately, Vol. 103, 156 pages (2010) R120.00

B126 - BERLINER PROTOKOLLE, German Colonial Philately, Vol. 107, 164 pages (2010) R120.00

B127 - BERLINER PROTOKOLLE, German Colonial Philately, Vol. 109, 126 pages (2010) R120.00

B128 - BERLINER PROTOKOLLE, German Colonial Philately, Vol. 112, 158 pages (2011) R120.00

B129 - BERLINER PROTOKOLLE, German Colonial Philately, Special Issue (German Navy 2010) 68 pages, R100.00

B130 - Roll of Honour of Distinguished Philatelists of Southern Africa 1998, used copy, as new, R20.00

B132 - STAMP FINDER and Collector's Dictionary in folder from GB, R50.00

B133 - Timbres de France, Yearbook for 2004, large hardcover book (no stamps) R80.00

B134 - THE LONDON PHILATELIST, Magazine of the Royal Philatelic Society of London, various rare issues avaiulable of the year 1937, R80 each

B135 - PHILATELIC DICTIONERY (1990), Collection of pages /categories in folder, very detailed info, R60.00

B136 - Catalogue of the National Philatelic Exhibition Potchefstroom 1978, 72 pages, plus stamps with special cancellation and 2 covers, R90.00

B137 - SCOTT catalogue, 1994 edition of USA, GB, Canada ans Commonwealth, 1263 pages, large format, R450

B138 - RSA & HOMELANDS, Study of varieties and errors, 1980's, copies, R180.00

B139 - RSA, Post Office catalogue of all stamps, 2011-2012 edition, 140 pages A4, full colour, R20

B140 - NAMIBIA - The Overprinted Stamps of Namibia's Third Definitive Issue 2000-2007. By Friedhelm Beck and Derick Loteryman. Large format, 72 pages. The most detailed study about these issues. (NEW). R340.00

B141 - SPECIAL OFFER: 6 BOOKS OF STAMPS, incl. 3 large picture books (1 in afrikaans), R200.00

B142 - Stanley Gibbond Stamp Catalogue, Brit. Commonwealth 1980, good condition, R180.00

B143 - Postage Stamps of the Union of SA., 1946 edition (as new), rare catalogue, R120.00

B144 - S.G. Hasndbook: Philatelic Terms, many colour illustrations, R150.00

B145 - Six Stamp Catalogues, RSA, Union, Europe and Netherlands (outdated but usefull reference) R100.00 for all



MICHEL Catalogues

+ other German books and stamp catalogues:

B201 - MICHEL Catalogue, Germany Specialized 1984, R20

B202 - MICHEL Catalogue, Germany Specialized 1989, R30

B203 - MICHEL Catalogue, Germany Specialized 1990, R30

B204 - MICHEL Catalogue, Germany Specialized 1995, R40

B205 - MICHEL Catalogue, GERMANY 2004, R60

B206 - MICHEL Catalogue, GERMANY 2011, R120

B207 - MICHEL Catalogue, Africa A-Z, 2100 pages, 1986, R160

B208 - MICHEL Catalogue, Central- and SOUTH AFRICA 2002, R280

B209 - MICHEL Catalogue, Germany, 1999, R50

B210 - MICHEL Catalogue, Germany, 1982, R10

B211 - MICHEL Catalogue, COILS of Germany, 1993, R20

B212 - MICHEL Catalogue, COILS of Germany, 1995, R25

B213 - MICHEL Catalogue, COILS of Germany, 1989, R15

B214 - MICHEL Catalogue, Germany 1964, R10

B215 - MICHEL Catalogue, SOUTHERN AFRICA, (as new), 2015, R500

B216 - MICHEL Catalogue, Germany junior of 2016, R100

B217 - MICHEL Catalogue, Germany junior of 2017, R100

B218 - PHILEX Pocket Catalogue of Germany, 1990, R30

B219 - SIEGER Catalogue of German Lufthansa Covers, R40

B220 - BOREK Catalogue of GERMANY, 1977, R20

B221 - BRIEFMARKEN GALERIE & stories, in German, interesting little hardcover book, R40.00

B222 - GERMANY, FRG, Two volumes of large hard cover books about the change of the postal codes in German from 4 to 5 digits, illustrated luxory and special limited edition of 1992/1993, seldom found, R400.00

B223 - LEXIKON DER PHILATELIE, (Encyclopedia) in German, 468 pages, hardcover, illustrated, R220

B224 - BRIEFMARKEN GALERIE & stories, in German, interesting little hardcover book, R40.00




B301 - COINS of South Africa, catalogue 1874 - 1980, 60 pages, R80.00

B302 - COINS of Germany since 1871, catalogue, 320 pages, R80.00

B303 - COINS of Germany, Austria + Switzerland since 1871, 222 pages, R80.00



Philatelic DVDs:

A few years ago we have produced a series of philatelic DVDs for stamp collectors.

Unfortunately this was not very successful and been ordered only in small numbers here and there. It looks like most philatelists prefer to look at stamps and information on printed pages in book form than on their TV sets or laptops.

That is why we decided to discontinue the DVD series and publish our new book series "PHILATELY" instead, some even with same or similar sucjects as before on DVD. (See at top of the page.)

We still keep a small and limited stock of the following DVDs and in case you are interested you can still order them at the reduced prices:

DVD1: Standard Bank of South Africa - R160.00

DVD2: German Inflation 1923 - R120.00

DVD3: 100 Years of Greenland Stamps - R140.00

DVD4: 125 Years of Norway stamps - R140.00

DVD5: Air Mail Stamps of South Africa - R160.00

DVD6: Live Stamp Auction in Fish Hoek - R80.00

DVD7: The South Africa Story in postcards - R180.00

DVD8: Cape Vignette Postcards - R180.00


All DVDs are in professional quality with a live introduction by the author and with classic music in the background. The DVDs can be played on any DVD player or on the disc drive of your PC or laptop.